Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Papuan Students Solidarity Demo staged demonstrations in from HI to move forward Istanah State Office of PT Freeport Indonesia , Plaza 89 , Kuningan , South Jakarta , Tuesday ( 20/05/2014

Papuan Students Solidarity Demo staged demonstrations in from HI to move forward Istanah State Office of PT Freeport Indonesia , Plaza 89 , Kuningan , South Jakarta , Tuesday ( 20/05/2014 ) ., - Hundreds of masses on behalf of the Student Solidarity of Papua staged a demonstration in front of the office of PT Freeport Indonesia , Plaza 89 , Kuningan , South Jakarta , Tuesday ( 05/20/2014 ) .
The action takes place initially peaceful turned chaotic when about 200 of the mass of trying to rush into the building . However , this action was blocked by around 50 police officers were on guard . No doubt , the mass was raging and then broke the glass in the lobby of the building . Anticipate unwanted things , the building management finally shut down the power and lift .
However, the police managed to hold vigil mass . However , the protesters still survive and continue demonstrations in the lobby area outside the Plaza Building 89 .
Outside the building lobby , the mass was burning old tires and some dry twigs demands while continuing to deliver their speeches . In anticipation of further action , this time hundreds of members of the Mobile Brigade has been deployed to the scene .
Meanwhile , the contents of which they distributed leaflets , the students demanded that PT Freeport closed because it is considered detrimental to the people of Papua . They also threatened to boycott the 2014 presidential election

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