Kamis, 17 April 2014

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Benny Wenda gives a talk at University of Warwick By Info Papua Mar 19, 2014, 12:48

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Benny Wenda gives a talk at University of Warwick
By Info Papua
Mar 19, 2014, 12:48

Benny Wenda

For the ‘crime’ of campaigning peacefully for a free West Papua, Benny Wenda has been arrested, tortured, and even faced assassination attempts on his life. Facing a 25 year jail sentence, Wenda escaped and was granted asylum by the UK Government in 2003. One year later, he founded the Free West Papua Campaign. He continues to live here, in exile, and strives for a free and independent West Papua.

Warwick International Relations Society was proud to have Benny Wenda coming to speak that Friday, 14th March at 7pm in S0.21. He talked about his experiences, some key points about West Papua, and his campaign for its independence from Indonesia illegal occupation.
President of Warwick International Relations Society

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