Kamis, 17 April 2014



Marketing point at Skouw, near the border of Indonesia-PNG (Jubi)
Marketing point at Skouw, near the border of Indonesia-PNG (IST)
Jayapura, 16/4 (Jubi) – A man was injured in a drive-by shooting at the border with Papua New Guinea (PNG) .
The incident occurred on Jl Raya Perbatasan Skouw Wutung at Pembuangan Sampah Baru (new garbage disposal), border market around 13:30. A man named Hery (24), was seriously injured to the right arm after being hit by a bullet fired by an unknown person and.
Hery was evacuated to a hospital in Kotaraja , according to a Papua police spokesman.
“He is a trader at the border market. I don’t know exactly what happened,” Aco, Muaratami resident told tabloidjubi.com on Wednesday (16/4).
Papua police chief Inspector General (Pol) Tito Karnavian said he had not received a detailed report on the incident.
“Now, a police  team is there to investigate the crime scene,” Karnavian said on Wednesday (16/4)
He added, the day before shooting, police conducted a raid and found data from a laptop suspected to belong  to a member of the rebel group led by Matthias Wenda.
“When examined it and  the man fled. In his laptop we found photos and videos of their activities,” he stated on Wednesday (16/4).
This group has approximately 10 firearms and moser. “In video, there were seen approximately 20 to 30 people standing in line,” he said.
The victim is an employee of Nayak shop. When he and his friend, Syamsudin drove passed by garbage dump, a shot was heard. The shot went right where Hery was sitting. They was driving a black pick up with police plate number DS 8407 AD.
Military personnel from Battalion 623/BWU rushed to the location after they heard the shot and sent the victim to Bhayangkara hospital while some of them hunted the perpetrators.
No one has been arrested. (Jubi / Indrayadi TH/ Tina)
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